Silver User's Guide OverviewSign-inText AnalysisReportsSpecificationPropertiesDashboardsPreferencesAccount → Portal


The About page is divided into sections that expand and collapse vertically. Most of the information displayed in the diferent sections is display only and is designed to help troubleshoot Silver in case of problems. Silver support staff may request some of the information on this page in problem reports.

The Session section contains a utility feature that allows a user to change their password. This is the only utility feature on the About page at the moment, but others may be added in the future.

Screenshot of the top of the About Silver section

The About section contains an overview of how Silver works and describes its major design features. Links are provided to external websites with related technical information.

Screenshot of the top of the About App Version section

The App Version section contains a table of detailed information about the current version of Silver that is running.

Screenshot of the top of the About Service section

The Service section contains a table of detailed information about the web service that is exchanging data with Silver. As described in the About section, Silver is a client-side app that runs hosted inside the web browser, all of the intensive cross-tabulation calculations are performed server-side in the web service.

Screenshot of the top of the About Session section

The Session section contains a table of detailed information about the session created by the current user's sign-in processing.

Screenshot of the top of the About Licensing section

The Licensing section lists all customers and jobs that a Silver user is permitted to access. Permissions are assigned by Silver support staff when users are registered. If the situation should arise that expected customers or jobs are not available in the report Customer/Job Selectors then this display can be used to reveal exactly which customers and jobs are assigned to the currently signed-in user. Missing customers or jobs should be reported to Silver support staff.

Screenshot of the top of the About Licensing section

A top-down list of internal logging information from Silver. This information may be requested by product support staff to assist diagnosing any Silver problems.

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