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VEngine Class

Top level interface for Variable related machinery in Carbon.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RCS.Carbon.Variables
Assembly: RCS.Carbon.Variables (in RCS.Carbon.Variables.dll) Version: 9.0.12
public class VEngine

The VEngine type exposes the following members.

Public methodVEngine(ILicensingProvider, String) Creates a Carbon cross-tabulation engine using a custom licensing provider.
Public methodVEngine(String, Int32, String) Creates a Carbon cross-tabulation engine using the Red Centre Software licensing provider via calls to the RCS licensing web service.
Public propertyBuildNote Gets the build note of the Carbon library.
Public propertyID Gets the ID of the currently open job. The ID is currently a string of random characters.
Public propertyJob Job context for casedata etc
Public propertyJobName Gets the name of the currently open job, or null if no job is open.
Public propertyLicence The authenticated Licence data that is being held in the VContext
Public propertyVersion Gets the version number of the Carbon library (the .NET Assembly version).
Public methodCaseCount Return number of cases in job
Public methodCodeCount Returns the number of codes in a codeframe.
Public methodConstruct Construct a variable from it's MET information
Public methodConstructAll Construct all variables in the vartree
Public methodCopyVar Copy an existing variable as a new variable
Public methodStatic memberDeleteCacheInfo Deletes all or selected cached files.
Public methodDownloadAsync Efficiently downloads all or selected blobs in a job's Azure container to a local folder.
Public methodGenerate Generate construct info from MET information
Public methodStatic memberGetCacheInfo Gets summary information about files in the cache directory. Meaningful results are currently only returned for Carbon running in Azure hosting with the Job.ini flag set to activate caching.
Public methodGetVarList Return list of variables in a vartree branch
Public methodListVartreeNames Lists vartree (Variable Tree) names available in the currently open job. A vartree name can be passed into the GetVarTree methods to retrieve the contents of a specific vartree.
Public methodLoadVarTree Loads a variable tree into the job.
Public methodOpenJob(String) Opens a job stored in an existing local file-system directory.
Public methodOpenJob(String, String) Opens a job stored in an Azure container.
Public methodReadFileLines Reads the lines in a file/blob in the job directory.
Public methodReadZCD Only called by the test form.
Public methodReloadVar Reload a variable , maybe to clear auto-arith/nets
Public methodSaveVarTree Saves the current variable tree, possiubly under another name.
Public methodUploadAsync Efficiently uploads all or selected contents of the local directory to a cloud job stored in an Azure Storage Account Blob Container.
Public methodValidateExp Only called by the test form.
Public methodVarFrame Lists the codes, nets and arith in a codeframe.
Public methodVarFrameNames Lists codeframe names in variable
Public methodVarInfo Returns basic information on a variable.
Public methodVarTreeAsNodes Return axis tree as GenNodes
Public methodVerbatimCoding PENDING
Public methodWriteFileAllText PUBLIC API -- Write a file under the job directories
Public fieldLicensingProvider A reference to the licensing provider used by the engine.
See Also