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CrossTabEngine Class

Top level interface for Table related machinery in Carbon.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RCS.Carbon.Tables
Assembly: RCS.Carbon.Tables (in RCS.Carbon.Tables.dll) Version: 9.1.0
public sealed class CrossTabEngine : VEngine

The CrossTabEngine type exposes the following members.

Public methodCrossTabEngine(ILicensingProvider, String) Creates a Carbon cross-tabulation engine using a custom licensing provider.
Public methodCrossTabEngine(String, Int32, String) Creates a Carbon cross-tabulation engine using the Red Centre Software licensing provider via calls to the RCS licensing web service.
Public methodAddRemBase Insert bases into passed top/side spec string
Public methodAxisAsNodes Return named axis as GenNodes
Public methodAxisTreeAsNodes Return current AxisTree as GenNodes
Public methodCloseJob Closes the job associated with the engine.
(Overrides VEngine.CloseJob)
Public methodDeleteCBT Deletes a report that was previously saved via TableSaveCBT(String).
Public methodDeleteInUserTOC Delete CBT under user section
Public methodDeleteTableTOC Delete CBT under user section
Public methodDrillDashboardTableAsOXT Load a table, drill with passed filter, and return oxt of result
Public methodExecUserTOCGenNodes ExecUser toc is Exec and User sections
Public methodFullTOCGenNodes Full toc is Exec User and Session sections
Public methodFunctionAction Various actions for changes to user functions list.
Public methodFunctionListAsNodes Returns user functions list as GenNode[]
Public methodGenTab(String, TableSpec) Generate a table from a shared table spec object
Public methodGenTab(String, XTableSpec) Generate a table from a full table spec object
Public methodGenTab(String, String, String, String, String, XSpecProperties, XDisplayProperties) The original string-based table generation method. The crosstab report results are always returned as a string. There are two usage patterns for this method: (1) If the output format is not None, then the returned string represents the generated report in the best way possible (2) If the output format is None, then the return value is null and the internal state of the table data is prepared for later output in a chosen format.
Public methodGenTabAsPandas EXPERIMENTAL -- Generates crosstab results in a simpified strongly-typed format that clients can easily transform into shaped JSON that is suitable for consumption by the Python pandas package. Note that this method does not touch the current job and it could be a static method.
Public methodGenTabAsPandasRaw EXPERIMENTAL -- Generates a crosstab report as an object that can be transformed into pandas compliant JSON.
Public methodGenTabAsXLSX EXPERIMENTAL -- Generates a crosstab report as a strongly-typed byte array of an Excel Workbook.
Public methodGenTabXLSX Generate a table from a shared table spec object and return the xlsxblob for Silver
Public methodGetEditSpec Get current table spec for edit
Public methodGetNewSpec Get empty table spec for starting a new table
Public methodGetProps Gets the display properties of the open job.
Public methodGetTabAsPandas EXPERIMENTAL -- Converts the current job's display table into an object shaped like a pandas dataframe.
Public methodInsertBases Insert bases nodes under each codeframe in the spec, rerun and redisplay
Public methodListSavedReports Lists the contents of the saved reports directory as a hierarchy of nodes.
Public methodLoadAxisTree Load named axis tree
Public methodLoadTableTOC Load CBT from TOCNode.
Public methodLoadTOC Load TOC files into memory in preparation for using TOC Exec/User/Session structure
Public methodMessage Return current message from job actions.
Public methodNest Nest a given axis on a filter expression
Public methodReformatTable Apply properties to current table returning string in assigned format.
Public methodRestoreState Restores the state of a crosstab engine instance from a set of opaque strings that were created by the SaveState method.
Public methodSaveState Saves the internal state of the crosstab engine instance to a set of opaque strings. Hosting applications can persist the state information in whatever way is suitable and restore an engine's state using the RestoreState(String) method.
Public methodSaveTableSessionTOC Save a CBT into session section
Public methodSaveTableUserTOC Save CBT under user section
Public methodSetProps Set table display properties.
Public methodSetPropsXLSX Set table display properties and return the XLSXblob for Silver
Public methodSimpleTOCGenNodes Simple TOC is Exec plus one user
Public methodTableAsFormat(XDisplayProperties) Formats a crosstab report with passed display properties
Public methodTableAsFormat(XOutputFormat) Formats a crosstab report in a specified format
Public methodTableGetProps Gets a reference to the display properties.
Public methodTableLoadCBT Load CBT.
Public methodTableLoadCBTXLSX Load CBT and return xlsx blob for display.
Public methodTableSaveCBT Save as CBT.
See Also