Carbon Overview
Learn how developers and data analysts can use the Carbon libraries
to incorporate powerful cross-tabulation report features into thier own products.
RedCentre Carbon Libraries and Applications
Red Centre Software distributes a comprehensive set of sample scripts, applications and data
as part of their standard installation folders.
Carbon Scripting Guide
How to use the tools and sample scripts in the standard installation folders to implement custom scripting.
See also: Scripting Overview.
Carbon C++ API
A technical description of the Carbon native C++ cross-tabulation engine
API for software developers.
.NET Prerequisites and Installation
How to install .NET 6 support and other optional features on a computer that will run Carbon applications.
Scripting Overview
Explains how the rcsx.exe command the the dotnet-script tool can both be used to
run C# scripts from the command prompt.
Carbon Web API Overview
Carbon Web API is a demonstration web service that publishes Carbon functionality
over a REST style API. It can be called by any language or platform that is REST enabled.
GitHub Samples and Documentation
Red Centre Software provides a Github account containing a wide variety
of well documented sample projects.
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