| Name | Description |
| ChangePassword |
Changes a user's password.
| DeleteAgency |
Deletes a Agency record by primary key id.
| DeleteAuthority |
Deletes a Authority record by primary key id.
| DeleteCustomer |
Deletes a Customer record by primary key id.
| DeleteDistributor |
Deletes a Distributor record by primary key id.
| DeleteJob |
Deletes a Job record by primary key id.
| DeleteUser |
Deletes a User record by primary key id.
| Dispose | Releases all resources used by the LicensingClient |
| GetGuestJobs |
Lists guest jobs in the database lookup record.
| GetJobPicks |
List abbreviated Job records that are suitable for pick lists.
| GetMac |
Gets the MAC for the current computer or remote session.
| GetOrgTree |
Retrieves a complete Licensing organisation entity tree.
| GetPyramidalCustomers |
Legacy method for calculating a user's heirarchical customer and job permissions.
| GetRealCloudVartreeNames |
Gets a list of the 'real' vartree (*.vtr) blobs in the root of a job's container.
| GetTsapiVisible |
Lists TSAPI visible jobs in the database lookup record.
| GetUserPicks |
List abbreviated Uesr records that are suitable for pick lists.
| IdAuthenticateText |
Authenticates user Id and password credentials and returns the response as plain text lines.
This method works identically to IdAuthenticate(String, String) but instead
of returning a strongly-typed AuthenticateResponse object, it returns the
object serialized as plain text lines. This method is intended for use by clients that need
compatibility with direct C++ REST calls to IdAuthenticate.
| IsMacSessionValid |
Validates that a Mac has valid syntax and corresponds to the current computer or remote session.
| IsMacSyntaxValid |
Validates the syntax of a MAC string.
| IsProductKeyValid |
Validates a licence key.
| ListAgency |
List all Agency records
| ListAgency(String) |
List Agency record filtered by parent distributor
| ListAgencyByName |
Lists Agency records by Name (case insensitive).
| ListAuthority |
List all Authority records
| ListAuthorityByName |
Lists Authority records by Name (case insensitive).
| ListCustomer |
List all Customer records
| ListCustomer(String) |
List Customer record filtered by parent agency
| ListCustomerByName |
Lists Customer records by Name (case insensitive).
| ListCustomersByUserId |
List Customer records that are related to a specified User Id. NOTE: In the RCS implementation this
method customers with their names in the users's array values.
| ListDistributor |
List all Distributor records
| ListDistributor(String) |
List Distributor record filtered by parent authority
| ListDistributorByName |
Lists Distributor records by Name (case insensitive).
| ListJob |
List all Job records
| ListJob(String) |
List Job record filtered by parent customer
| ListJobByName |
Lists Job records by Name (case insensitive).
| ListJobForCustomerName |
List Job records that are related to a specified Customer name. NOTE: The customer name is
converted into customer Ids and jobs are listed if their matches any of the customer Ids.
| ListJobsByNameAndCustomerId |
Lists jobs with a matching Name property value (case insensitive) and parent customer id.
| ListJobsByUserId |
List Job records that related to a specified User Id. NOTE: In the RCS implementation this method
lists jobs with their names in the user's array values.
| ListUser |
List all User records
| ListUserByJobId |
List users filtering to those containing a specific cloud job that is validated to be a child of
the user's parent customer. NOTE: The job is read to obtain its properties. Users are listed if
their equals the job's parent customer id and the user's contains the job name.
| ListUserByName |
Lists User records by Name (case insensitive).
| ListUsersByCustomerId |
Lists User records with a specified parent Customer Id. NOTE: In the RCS implementation this
methods converts the customer Id to a Name and lists users with that customer name in the array
| ListUsersByEntityId |
List User records that are related to a specified Entity Id. NOTE: Lists all user's with equal to
the specified entity id.
| ListUsersByNameForJobId |
List User records that are related to a specified Job Id. NOTE: In the RCS implementation this
methods converts the job Id to a Name and lists users with that job name in the array values.
| NameAuthenticateText |
Authenticates user Name and password credentials and returns the response as plain text lines.
This method works identically to NameAuthenticate(String, String) but instead
of returning a strongly-typed AuthenticateResponse object, it returns the
object serialized as plain text lines. This method is intended for use by clients that need
compatibility with direct C++ REST calls to NameAuthenticate.
| ReadAgency |
Reads a Agency record by primary key id.
| ReadAuthority |
Reads a Authority record by primary key id.
| ReadCustomer |
Reads a Customer record by primary key id.
| ReadDistributor |
Reads a Distributor record by primary key id.
| ReadEntity |
Read an record with a specified primary key id.
| ReadJob |
Reads a Job record by primary key id.
| ReadManyAgency |
Reads multiple Agency records by their primary key ids.
| ReadManyAuthority |
Reads multiple Authority records by their primary key ids.
| ReadManyCustomer |
Reads multiple Customer records by their primary key ids.
| ReadManyDistributor |
Reads multiple Distributor records by their primary key ids.
| ReadManyJob |
Reads multiple Job records by their primary key ids.
| ReadManyUser |
Reads multiple User records by their primary key ids.
| ReadUser |
Reads a User record by primary key id.
| ResetPassword |
Resets a user's password to a random value.
| ReturnIdLicence | Obsolete.
Attempts to return a licence that has been borrowed by an account.
| UpdateAccount |
Updates a user's account name, email and password.
| UpdateGuestJobs |
Updates the list of guest jobs in the database lookup record.
| UpdateTsapiVisible |
Updates the list of TSAPI visible jobs in the database lookup record.
| UpsertAgency |
Updates or inserts a Agency record.
| UpsertAuthority |
Updates or inserts a Authority record.
| UpsertCustomer |
Updates or inserts a Customer record.
| UpsertDistributor |
Updates or inserts a Distributor record.
| UpsertJob |
Updates or inserts a Job record.
| UpsertUser |
Updates or inserts a User record.
| ValidateTsapiVisible |
Validates the TSAPI visible job list in the database lookup record.
| VerifySignedString |
Validates a string and its signature.