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AzureStreamer Class

An implementation of stream processing using Azure Containers and Blobs as backing storage.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RCS.Carbon.Variables
Assembly: RCS.Carbon.Variables (in RCS.Carbon.Variables.dll) Version: 9.0.12
public sealed class AzureStreamer : IStreamer, 

The AzureStreamer type exposes the following members.

Public methodDisposeReleases all resources used by the AzureStreamer
Public methodOpenAppend Opens a blob for append. If the blob is being created or the existing blob type is Append then it will be efficiently processed as an Append blob. If the existing blob is type Block then the type can't be changed and an inefficient workaround is used to merge the old and appended data into a work blob which is then copied back over the original at close time.
Public methodOpenRead Open Azure blob and set StreamReader
Public methodOpenWrite Opens a blob for (over)write.
Public methodOpenZipRead Open Azure blob and set StreamReader
Public methodSize Return size of blob
See Also