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XDisplayProperties Class

Encapsulates all display properties defined in the Carbon suite. The properties exist on a hierarchy of child classes which group them in a logical way that is familar to Ruby users. The child class structure also provides a good intellisense experience for developers exploring the large numbers of properties.

Methods are provided to serialize all or selected properties to-and-from a custom string format made from joined tokens in the format DotPath=Value.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RCS.Carbon.Shared
Assembly: RCS.Carbon.Shared (in RCS.Carbon.Shared.dll) Version: 9.0.12
public class XDisplayProperties

The XDisplayProperties type exposes the following members.

Public methodXDisplayProperties Constructs a properties object and sets some properties to default values suitable for basic usage.
Public methodXDisplayProperties(String, String) Constructs a properties object and overrides default values by deserializing a custom string of DotPath=Value joined tokens.
Public methodAsString Returns all props as \n delimited string
Public methodDeserialize Deserializes the string of joined DotPath=Value properties into property values.
Public methodDeserializeProp Deserializes a single property dotpath and string representation of a property value.
Public methodGetProp Gets the value of a dotpath property.
Public methodSerialize Serializes properties to a joined string. All serializable properties in the nest of classes are converted into tokens of the form DotPath=Value and joined together into a single string.
Public methodSetProp Deserializes a single property dotpath and property object value.
Public methodSetPropFromString Deserializes a single property dotpath and property string value.
See Also