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JobUploadParameters Properties

The JobUploadParameters type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property CancelToken An optional cancellation token to allow calling apps to asynchronously cancel upload processing.
Public property IncludeNames An optional set of specific root level file or directory names to be candidates for upload. For example, if a value is 'Testing.vtr' then that specific file in to the root of the SourceDirectory will be uploaded. If a value is 'MyDir' then all files and directories under that folder in the root of SourceDirectory will be uploaded. No comparisons are made in subdirectories under the SourceDirectory. If the parameter is null or zero length then everything is a candidate for upload.
Public property MaxConcurrent The requested number of concurrent uploads. The value will coerced into the range 1 to processor-count for the upload.
Public property NewAndChangedOnly True to upload new and changed files only which are determined by comparing the last modified timestamps of the local file and its corresponding Blob (if one exists). False to upload all candidate files.
Public property Progress An optional progress implementation to receive upload progress callbacks.
Public property SourceDirectory Specifies the local directory which is the upload source.
Public property ToLowerDirPatterns Blobs will have their names converted to lowercase if their full name matches one these regular expression patterns (case insensitive). Example: 'CaseData/Age.met' will be uploaded as 'CaseData/age.met'.
See Also