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JobDownloadParameters Properties

The JobDownloadParameters type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property Code example ExcludeFileGlobs the 'glob' pattern of blobs to exclude from the download. A 'glob' pattern uses ? and * characters to select matching blobs.
Public property ExcludeFolders Blob virtual directory part matches to exclude from the download. If the blob's virtual directory prefix parts contain any part of the specified strings then it is excluded from the download.
Public property Code example IncludeFileGlobs The 'glob' pattern of blobs to include in the download. A 'glob' pattern uses ? and * characters to select matching blobs.
Public property IncludeFolders Blob virtual directory part matches to include in the download. If the blob's virtual directory prefix parts contain any part of the specified strings then it is included in the download.
See Also