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IStreamer Methods

The IStreamer type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Close Closes any open streams. Internally it safely calls Dispose.
Public method Copy Copies the contents of one Blob or file to another one.
Public method ListLines Iterates over the lines in a text stream.
Public method OpenAppend Opens the stream for append writing.
Public method OpenRead Opens the stream for reading.
Public method OpenWrite Opens the stream for writing. Any existing data is overwritten.
Public method OpenZipRead Opens a zip stream for reading.
Public method ReadLine Reads a text line from the current position of the stream.
Public method ReadToEnd Reads all text from the curent position of the stream to the end.
Public method Size Gets the size of the stream.
Public method Write Writes a string to the stream.
Public method WriteLine Write a string to the stream, terminated by the appropriate line terminator for the current operating system (CRLF for Windows, LF for Linux, etc).
See Also